Should I start here? Observers at all levels of expertise and experience will find this course impactful. Use our self-assessment to determine your best learning pathway and most appropriate entry point. A recommended prerequisite: Observers have a strong understanding of district expectations and foundations of evidence collection.
RESOURCES: This competency is supported in Feedback to Feed Forward: 31 Strategies to Lead Learning Chapters 3 and 4, which must be purchased separately.
STRUCTURE: This course provides videos, readings, and reflections, with each lesson containing about 1 hour of new learning. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate for 10 hours.
It will be important to engage in time outside of the course to practice and apply and you may find you want to explore optional reading and resources. Therefore, total time commitment will vary.
Please note, you are purchasing access for one user. We appreciate you not sharing your log in with others as we put a great deal of research and time into our course content for you. Each lesson will provide you with implementation challenges as highly recommended opportunities to practice and apply on your own or with your team to refine your skills, but we ask that you not share access to the course. You will have access for 1 year after purchase.