Core Skill 16 Mini Course - Build on Instructional Strengths
This course is designed to provide strategies for identifying and building on instructional strengths through observation to engage in feedback that feeds forward.
This course is for anyone who engages in feedback cycles in support of teachers' and service providers' growth and reflection–whether observing in-person lessons or video–and who seeks to engage in strength-based models of feedback and coaching.
Observers of all experience levels will gain new insights and strategies to provide critical yet supportive feedback. In this course, you will strengthen a core skill within the third competency of "Provide Feedback" focused on your ability to identify strengths through the lens of impact on engagement and learning and to build on those to help teachers identify actionable next steps It is critical to ensure we move from deficit models of feedback to meet teachers where they are and to help them replicate high impact teaching moves. This coursework can be applied across grade levels and disciplines.
The course is designed for any observer in any role who is seeking to increase their impact through observation and feedback.
RESOURCES: Course objectives are supported through Feedback to Feed Forward : 31 Strategies to Lead Learning . Purchase of the book is recommended, however, not required.
STRUCTURE: This course provides videos, readings, and reflections, totaling approximately 1 hour of learning. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion.
It will be important to engage in time outside of the course to practice and apply, and you may find you want to explore optional reading and resources. Therefore, total time commitment will vary.
Please note, you are purchasing access for one user. We appreciate you not sharing your log in with others as we put a great deal of research and time into our course content for you. Each lesson will provide you with implementation challenges as highly recommended opportunities to practice and apply on your own or with your team to refine your skills, but we ask that you not share access to the course. You will have access for 1 year after purchase.
Course Details
RESOURCE: 3 Competencies & 21 Core Skills
RESOURCE: Standards of Observation and Feedback
Identifying "Areas of Strength" & "Areas of Growth"
FREE PREVIEWUsing Strategy 20
Using Strategy 21
RESOURCE: Feedback Statements
On Your Own Implementation Challenge
More resources for you
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